Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Ink on Cheap Paper Test #10, Noodler's X-Feather Black

According to Noodler's, this ink is meant to not feather on cheap papers. Despite this, we'll still stick to our established categories of dry time, bleeding, and ghosting. Here are a few reviews of the ink: Goulet Pens, Pen Addict, Fountain Pen Pharmacist, Peninkcillin, and Unsharpen. These samples were written with a Lamy Vista with a fine nib.


AMPAD Legal Pad - Front

AMPAD Legal Pad - Reverse

Post-It-Note - Front

Post-It-Note - Reverse

AMPAD Small Legal Pad - Front

AMPAD Small Legal Pad - Reverse

AMPAD Steno Pad - Front

AMPAD Steno Pad - Reverse

Staples Copy Paper 20 lb - Front

Staples Copy Paper 20 lb - Reverse

AMPAD Scratchpad - Front

AMPAD Scratchpad - Reverse

pen & GEAR Notebook, Front & Back and Overlapping Line Tests - Front

 pen & GEAR Notebook, Front & Back and Overlapping Line Tests - Reverse


Best One-Sided Performer: The Scratchpad has the best one-sided performance with instant dry time and similar ghosting/bleeding effects compared to the legal pads.

Best Two-Sided Performer: The Copy Paper wins this category since there is minimal bleeding and it boats the lowest drying time of 20 seconds when compared to the other two.

Best Overall: The Legal Pad offers the most versatility overall. It has the quickest dry time and offers the most real estate for writing. Copy Paper is a close second, but the 20 second dry time can be too much for some writers.

The Post-It-Note test shows minimal ghosting and no bleeding, but it has a 30 second dry time which is difficult to justify as a quick note ink.

TLDR [Drying Time, (B)leed, (G)host]: Legal Pad - 5, B, G ; small Legal Pad - 15, B, G ; Steno Pad - 35, G ; Copy Paper 20lb - 20, B, G ; Scratchpad - 0, B, G ; p&G Notebook - 60, B, G .

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and is not sponsored in any way. This ink came from my own collection.  












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