Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Ink on Cheap Paper #90, TWSBI Blue Black

TWSBI Blue Black is part of their standard line of colors. It is a classic medium blue black. Reviews for this ink can be found at Mountain of Ink and the Pen Addict. These samples were written with a Jinhao x159 with a medium nib.

AMPAD Legal Pad with Post-It-Note - Front

AMPAD Legal Pad - Reverse

AMPAD Small Legal Pad - Front

AMPAD Small Legal Pad - Reverse

AMPAD Steno Pad - Front

AMPAD Steno Pad - Reverse

Staples Copy Paper 20 lb - Front

Staples Copy Paper 20 lb - Reverse

AMPAD Scratchpad - Front

AMPAD Scratchpad - Reverse

pen & GEAR Notebook, Front & Back and Overlapping Line Tests - Front

pen & GEAR Notebook, Front & Back and Overlapping Line Tests - Reverse

Best One-Sided Performer: Legal Pad and Scratchpad tied.

Best Two-Sided Performer: Copy Paper and Steno Pad tied.

The Post-It-Note Test: Great readability but it is slow to dry.

TLDR [Drying Time, (B)leed, (G)host]: Legal Pad - 5, G; small Legal Pad - 2, G, B; Steno Pad - 20; Copy Paper 20lb - 20; Scratchpad - 5, G; p&G Notebook - 20, G. 

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and is not sponsored in any way. This ink came from my own collection. 

Ink on Cheap Paper #89, Visconti Black

Visconti Black ink is part of the standard series offered by Visconti. Reviews for it can be found at Pen Chalet, An Ink Guy, and Penultimate Dave. These samples were written with a Jinhao x159 with a fine nib.

AMPAD Legal Pad with Post-It-Note - Front

AMPAD Legal Pad - Reverse

AMPAD Small Legal Pad - Front

AMPAD Small Legal Pad - Reverse

AMPAD Steno Pad - Front

AMPAD Steno Pad - Reverse

Staples Copy Paper 20 lb - Front

Staples Copy Paper 20 lb - Reverse

AMPAD Scratchpad - Front

AMPAD Scratchpad - Reverse

pen & GEAR Notebook, Front & Back and Overlapping Line Tests - Front

pen & GEAR Notebook, Front & Back and Overlapping Line Tests - Reverse


Best One-Sided Performer: Small Legal Pad and Scratchpad tied.

Best Two-Sided Performer: Copy Paper and Steno Pad tied.

The Post-It-Note Test: Great readability, but it has a slow dry time.

TLDR [Drying Time, (B)leed, (G)host]: Legal Pad - 5, G; small Legal Pad - 0, G, B; Steno Pad - 20; Copy Paper 20lb - 20; Scratchpad - 0, G, B; p&G Notebook - 20, G. 

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and is not sponsored in any way. This ink came from my own collection. 

Ink on Cheap Paper #88, Visconti Starry Night

Visconti Starry Night is a deep blue ink and is part of the Vincent Van Gogh series of inks, inspired by the famous artist. There are no reviews for this ink. These samples were written with a Pilot Custom 74 with a music nib. Writing with this ink will have a lesser effect when using a smaller nib such as a fine or an extra fine.

AMPAD Legal Pad with Post-It-Note - Front

AMPAD Legal Pad - Reverse

AMPAD Small Legal Pad - Front

AMPAD Small Legal Pad - Reverse

AMPAD Steno Pad - Front

AMPAD Steno Pad - Reverse

Staples Copy Paper 20 lb - Front

Staples Copy Paper 20 lb - Reverse

AMPAD Scratchpad - Front

AMPAD Scratchpad - Reverse

pen & GEAR Notebook, Front & Back and Overlapping Line Tests - Front

pen & GEAR Notebook, Front & Back and Overlapping Line Tests - Reverse

 Best One-Sided Performer: All tied.

Best Two-Sided Performer: Steno Pad

The Post-It-Note Test: Great readability, very long dry time makes it difficult for quick notes.

TLDR [Drying Time, (B)leed, (G)host]: Legal Pad - 0, G, B; small Legal Pad - 0, G, B; Steno Pad - 10, G; Copy Paper 20lb - 30, G; Scratchpad - 0, G, B; p&G Notebook - 30, G. 

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and is not sponsored in any way. This ink came from my own collection. 

Ink on Cheap Paper #87, Jinhao Red

Jinhao Red is a standard ink available in cartridges and bottled ink. The cartridges are easier to find currently at the usual retailers. Reviews of this ink can be found at the Polish site The World of Inks, The Indian Marmalade Company, and Fountain Pen Network. These samples were written with a Jinhao 65 with an extra fine nib.

AMPAD Legal Pad with Post-It-Note - Front

AMPAD Legal Pad - Reverse

AMPAD Small Legal Pad - Front

AMPAD Small Legal Pad - Reverse

AMPAD Steno Pad - Front

AMPAD Steno Pad - Reverse

Staples Copy Paper 20 lb - Front

Staples Copy Paper 20 lb - Reverse

AMPAD Scratchpad - Front

AMPAD Scratchpad - Reverse

pen & GEAR Notebook, Front & Back and Overlapping Line Tests - Front

pen & GEAR Notebook, Front & Back and Overlapping Line Tests - Reverse

 Best One-Sided Performer: Legal Pad

Best Two-Sided Performer: Copy Paper and Steno Pad tied.

The Post-It-Note Test: Great readability, excellent for quick notes.

TLDR [Drying Time, (B)leed, (G)host]: Legal Pad - 0, G; small Legal Pad - 0, G, B; Steno Pad - 5; Copy Paper 20lb - 5; Scratchpad - 0, G; p&G Notebook - 10. 

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and is not sponsored in any way. This ink came from my own collection. 

Ink on Cheap Paper #86, Kaweco Smokey Grey

Kaweco Smokey Grey is from Kaweco's standard ink lineup. It's a medium grey with some shading. Reviews for this ink can be found at Mountain of Ink, Wondernaut, and Fountain Pen Love. These samples were written with a Hongdian H1 with a fine nib.

AMPAD Legal Pad with Post-It-Note - Front

AMPAD Legal Pad - Reverse

AMPAD Small Legal Pad - Front

AMPAD Small Legal Pad - Reverse

AMPAD Steno Pad - Front

AMPAD Steno Pad - Reverse

Staples Copy Paper 20 lb - Front

Staples Copy Paper 20 lb - Reverse

AMPAD Scratchpad - Front

AMPAD Scratchpad - Reverse

pen & GEAR Notebook, Front & Back and Overlapping Line Tests - Front

pen & GEAR Notebook, Front & Back and Overlapping Line Tests - Reverse


Best One-Sided Performer: Small Legal Pad and Scratchpad tied.

Best Two-Sided Performer: All tied.

The Post-It-Note Test: Decently readable, great for quick notes.

TLDR [Drying Time, (B)leed, (G)host]: Legal Pad - 5, G; small Legal Pad - 0, G; Steno Pad - 5; Copy Paper 20lb - 5; Scratchpad - 0, G; p&G Notebook - 5. 

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and is not sponsored in any way. This ink came from my own collection. 

Ink on Cheap Paper #90, TWSBI Blue Black

TWSBI Blue Black is part of their standard line of colors. It is a classic medium blue black. Reviews for this ink can be found at Mountain ...