Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Ink on Cheap Paper #86, Kaweco Smokey Grey

Kaweco Smokey Grey is from Kaweco's standard ink lineup. It's a medium grey with some shading. Reviews for this ink can be found at Mountain of Ink, Wondernaut, and Fountain Pen Love. These samples were written with a Hongdian H1 with a fine nib.

AMPAD Legal Pad with Post-It-Note - Front

AMPAD Legal Pad - Reverse

AMPAD Small Legal Pad - Front

AMPAD Small Legal Pad - Reverse

AMPAD Steno Pad - Front

AMPAD Steno Pad - Reverse

Staples Copy Paper 20 lb - Front

Staples Copy Paper 20 lb - Reverse

AMPAD Scratchpad - Front

AMPAD Scratchpad - Reverse

pen & GEAR Notebook, Front & Back and Overlapping Line Tests - Front

pen & GEAR Notebook, Front & Back and Overlapping Line Tests - Reverse


Best One-Sided Performer: Small Legal Pad and Scratchpad tied.

Best Two-Sided Performer: All tied.

The Post-It-Note Test: Decently readable, great for quick notes.

TLDR [Drying Time, (B)leed, (G)host]: Legal Pad - 5, G; small Legal Pad - 0, G; Steno Pad - 5; Copy Paper 20lb - 5; Scratchpad - 0, G; p&G Notebook - 5. 

Disclaimer: All photos and opinions are my own. This page does not contain affiliate links and is not sponsored in any way. This ink came from my own collection. 

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Ink on Cheap Paper #90, TWSBI Blue Black

TWSBI Blue Black is part of their standard line of colors. It is a classic medium blue black. Reviews for this ink can be found at Mountain ...